Monday, August 13, 2012


  Most of the symbols in Ten Mile River are pretty discreet, but I was able to pick up on a few. For example, the Ten Mile River symbolized a path to a new life for Ray. Throughout the story Jose kept talking about his favorite dog, "Fatty", and how he seemed smarter and different than the other dogs. Fatty represented the differences between Ray and Jose. Breon, the thief who wanted Ray and Jose to live with him and steal things with him, represented the things holding Ray back from going on to a better life. Breon was evil and cared about little other than himself. I thought the author did a pretty good job with the symbolism in this story, even though there are no obvious symbols. Two readers could read the story and interpret the symbols different ways. However, I like this about this book- it gives you a little room to imagine what happens yourself.

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